Startup Acceleration 2025

We are launching the 2025 acceleration program for pre-seed and seed stage startups to help them grow and reach the next level.



Challenge 1:

Maximizing Energy Production during 24 Hours

How could we maximize energy production 24 hours a day by integrating complementary sources, such as wind power or hybrid storage, into our existing photovoltaic assets, to increase the profitability of our renewable plant portfolio?

Challenge 2:

Autonomous network operation and infrastructure optimization using AI

How could we implement an AI-based autonomous network operation that optimizes the capacity of existing network infrastructures?


Challenge 2:

Autonomous network operation and infrastructure optimization using AI

How could we implement an AI-based autonomous network operation that optimizes the capacity of existing network infrastructures?

modified label 3

Challenge 3:

EaaS services for B2C customers

How could we offer Energy as a Service (EaaS) services based on flexibility and energy asset management that allow us to offer an attractive value proposition to the end customer?

Challenge 4:

Comprehensive services for carbon neutrality aimed at the B2B market

How could we offer a “net zero” package with CO₂ emissions auditing, compensation and reduction services aimed at the B2B market?



Home Open Call


Closing applications


Review and selection


Communication and contract signing


Startup Bootcamp


6 months of acceleration

Maig a Desembre

Demo Day


Home Open Call

Open Call
Tancament Aplicacions

Closing applications


Review and selection

Revisió i selecció

Comunication and contract


Startup Bootcamp

Bootcamp d’inici

6 month of acceleration


Demo Day

Demo Day
We are opening the application period so that startups can present their project.

We want to transform our environment alongside you

We know how to make you fly


22network logo website
esade logo format


Is the acceleration program free?

Yes, it is a completely free program and financed by ERIA, Estabanell’s external Corporate Venturing vehicle. It is an equity free program: you will not have to sell shares or contribute capital to ERIA, Aticco or the mentors. You will not have to give up any percentage of the company for your participation. We believe in the founding team and we bet on it with total confidence.

What is the objective of the acceleration program?

The objective is to support the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the energy, telco or smart home sector by accelerating the growth of startups in the initial stages, which are building the MVP, validating the business model, the market or its legal structure. The benefit that Estabanell obtains is to be connected to the entrepreneurial ecosystem, incorporate innovative products and services into its different businesses and foster innovation internally.

Where is the acceleration program held?

The program can be developed both in person and virtually, but there are certain moments that require commitment and presence:

  • At the beginning of the program we will hold a 2-day face-to-face Bootcamp in Barcelona. The Bootcamp will be held on May 19-20 (we will try not to coincide with any major events in the sector).
  • At the end of the program we will organize a DemoDay, in which the accelerated startups will present their evolution during the months of acceleration to corporates, partners and investors. The DemoDay will take place at the end of November and will also be in person.

How long does the acceleration program last?

The acceleration program will last 6 months. It is a fully customized program that we carry out in collaboration with Aticco.

Who are the mentors?

The acceleration program will give you the possibility to select 5 mentors for your project. Three of them are part of the Aticco mentor network, and you yourself will be able to directly select the one that best fits the needs of your project. The other 2 mentors are part of Estabanell and will help you in everything related to the know-how of the energy and telco sector.

How much dedication does the acceleration program involve?

At the beginning of the program you will have to attend the 2-day Bootcamp in Barcelona. During the 6 months of the acceleration program you will have at your disposal 5 mentors with whom you will meet in person or virtually once a month so that you can take advantage of all their knowledge. In addition, each month, if you wish, you can meet individually with each of them so that they can provide you with differential value.

Is there a prize for participating in the acceleration program?

Yes, ERIA will award each of the accelerated startups an amount of up to €10,000 in non-repayable funding. That is, without asking for anything in return. We recommend that the money be invested in the growth of your startup. This amount can also help cover any expenses that arise during the acceleration program. The prize will be awarded at the end of the acceleration program.

What happens after the acceleration program?

After the program you will have evolved your project, you will have a more mature startup and you will be able to achieve many successes.
You will become part of the ERIA alumni community, and this implies certain benefits. You will also be part of the Aticco community.
It is possible that ERIA would like to continue collaborating with me and test your technology if any of our businesses need to incorporate innovation. For this reason, we could collaborate through our Venture Client program and conduct a Proof of Concept to validate our future integration.

What is "Venture Client" and how is it different from "Venture Capital"?

The Venture Client is when a large company becomes the first large client of a startup when it is still in its early stages. The startup obtains a large client that helps it cover operating costs, have a good portfolio of clients and improve its service or product based on feedback from this client.
On the other hand, Venture Capital is the tool for large companies to invest and become partners in startups, regardless of whether or not they become a client of the startup.
The main difference is that Venture Client is paid for the product or service and Venture Capital is paid for the shares or stakes in the company (equity).

What language should you use in the application? What language is used in the program?

If you are a startup from outside Spain, you must fill out the application in English. If you are a Spanish startup, you can fill it out in English, Spanish or Catalan.
During the program you can use Catalan, Spanish or English indistinctly depending on your needs.